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All You Need to Know About Newborn, Infant, Baby, and Toddler Age Ranges

Picture this: you’re at a cozy café in Singapore, cradling your newborn while sipping on a latte. A fellow parent asks, “How old is your baby?” You pause, wondering if “newborn” is still the right term, or if your little bundle of joy has graduated to “infant” status. Welcome to the delightful yet complex world of parenting terminology, where everyone seems to have a different definition for things. 

To make sure we're on the same page, in this blog, we'll first give an overview of  the age ranges for newborns, infants, babies, and toddlers as commonly categorised out there. Accompanying this will be some developmental milestones classic to the age groups and our sleep training tip for each age group. 

The Breakdown: Newborn, Infant, Baby, and Toddler Age Ranges

1. Newborn (0-2 Months)

The newborn phase is all about firsts. From their first cry to their first smile, this stage is marked by rapid physical and developmental changes.

  • Development Highlights: Newborns sleep up to 16-18 hours a day, but it is developmentally normal for these sleeps to be in short bursts. Additionally, their tiny stomachs mean frequent feedings, day and night.

  • Sleep Training a Baby Tip: Establishing a consistent sleep environment early on can set the stage for better sleep habits later. Instead of letting your newborn sleep all over the home or on the go, you can start right by conducting all sleeps within a cot, placing your newborn down at the wake window of 45 mins to 1h. If your baby is on the smaller end, it might be worthwhile prioritising feeding over sleeping for the time being. If you suspect as much, speak to your pediatrician on this.

  • Daily Life Example: Set up your newborn's nursery in a calm corner of your HDB flat, complete with a rocking chair for nursing and a soft lullaby playing in the background. This way, the nursery becomes your newborn's safe space, and where your newborn associates sleep will happen

2. Infant (2-12 Months)

Past the 2-month mark, your child can be referred to as  anĺ infant. This is a period of incredible growth and curiosity as your child grows in cognisance.

  • Development Highlights: Infants start recognizing faces, babbling, and rolling over. By 6 months, many are ready for solids.

  • Sleep Training a Baby Tip: Consider sleep training around 4-6 months as your child is able to figure out more complicated strategies to fall asleep (eg, fist sucking, head rubbing, tummy lying). Methods like the Ferber Method, or gentle soothing create avenues for your infant to pick up their own strategies of self-soothing.

  • Daily Life Example: Because your infant is able to recognise patterns, introducing a consistent bedtime routine is helpful in cueing to your infant's mind and body that the onset of sleep is coming. Start with a bath, then a gentle calming massage, stories and a song before popping your little one into the cot.  

3. Baby (0-12 Months)

“Baby” is a catch-all term encompassing both newborns and infants. It’s commonly used to describe children under a year old.

  • Development Highlights: Babies grow rapidly during their first year, hitting milestones like crawling, sitting, and possibly even walking.

  • Sleep Training a Baby Tip: Consistency is key. When your baby is facing sleep regression because of the many developmental milestones in a baby's life, it will be tempting to support sleep more and more. This is fine for a duration of up to 2 weeks, but thereafter go back to the good sleep habits as chances are the developmental milestone is over, and you want to mitigate against your support being the ‘new norm’.

  • Daily Life Example: Baby M is sleeping well until she starts to crawl and wants to practice crawling in the middle of night. Instead of forcing her to sleep, her parents could monitor the situation over the baby camera's video function and leave her till she cries. Should she cry, they could offer light support like patting. Once she stops her midnight practice sessions they can then stop intervention during her night time wakes. 

4. Toddler (1-3 Years)

Ah, the toddler years! Brace yourself for boundless energy, growing independence, the pushing of boundaries, and maybe even daily tantrums.

  • Development Highlights: Toddlers begin walking, talking, and testing boundaries. This stage is all about exploration.

  • Sleep Training a Baby Tip: Transitioning from a crib to a toddler bed? Set some bedtime rules before making the switch, like telling your child not to come out of their room/bed. Complement this with a system of positive reinforcements for a job well done and consequences for failing to keep the rules.

  • Daily Life Example: One way to help with boundary setting is to create a dedicated sleep area separate from the play area so that your toddler can differentiate between active and restful times. 

Why Understanding Age Ranges Matters 3 / 5

Knowing these distinctions helps you:

  • Choose the Right Products: From diapers to cribs, age-appropriate products ensure safety and comfort.

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understanding what your child can do at each stage prevents frustration.

  • Master Sleep Training a Baby: Tailoring sleep strategies to your child’s developmental stage ensures better results.

  • Encourage Healthy Development: By knowing what to expect, you can provide the right environment for your child’s growth.

Sleep Training in Singapore: Tips and Tricks

Singapore’s busy lifestyle makes it essential for parents to adopt effective sleep training techniques. Here are some tips:

  • Create a Cozy Sleep Environment: Use blackout curtains and sound machines to block out distractions.

  • Stick to a Routine: In Singapore’s fast-paced environment, routines provide stability for your baby. Know more about bedtime routines here.

  • Seek Professional Help: Consider consulting a sleep trainer if you’re struggling.

  • Leverage Technology: Apps like white noise generators or baby monitors can be especially helpful in Singapore’s compact living spaces.

Common Sleep Training Methods

1. Cry-It-Out (CIO): Let your baby self-soothe by crying unaccompanied till morning time.

  • Pros: Effective for teaching self-soothing.

  • Cons: Can be emotionally challenging for parents.

2. Ferber Method: Gradually increase the intervals before comforting your baby.

  • Pros: Balances independence with parental reassurance.

  • Cons: Requires patience and consistency.

3. Gentle Sleep Training: Use soothing techniques like patting or singing.

  • Pros: Ideal for parents who prefer a gentler approach.

  • Cons: May take longer to see results.

4. Chair Method: Gradually move a chair further from the crib each night.

  • Pros: Gradual and comforting.

  • Cons: Time-intensive.


Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and rewards. Whether you’re navigating the sleepless nights of the newborn phase or managing the energy of a toddler, remember that every stage is precious. By understanding age ranges and focusing on sleep training a baby, you’re setting the foundation for healthy growth and development.

Every moment spent with your child is an opportunity to learn, grow, and bond. Celebrate the milestones, cherish the giggles, and know that with the right strategies, even the toughest nights can lead to brighter mornings.


What is the age range for infants and toddlers?

Infants are typically considered to be between 0 and 12 months, while toddlers are between 1 and 3 years old.

What is the age range of babies and toddlers?

What is the age range for a newborn?

What are the five stages of child development?

What are the ages and stages of development?

What age do babies start talking?

What are the age groups in medical classification?

At what age do babies start to crawl?

What age can babies sit up?

At what age do babies start to walk?

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