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Baby Reflux – How to Help Your Baby Feel Better

Baby Reflux – How to Help Your Baby Feel Better

You’ve just settled your little one to sleep after a long day, only to hear those all too familiar cries echo through the house moments later. You pick your baby up, only to see milk trickling down his chin. You wonder, was he crying because he was uncomfortable? Does he have reflux? Are you doomed to short sleeps until reflux resolves?  

In this blog post, I’ll dive into everything you need to know about baby reflux: what it is, what signs to look out for to determine if your baby has reflux, and how to help your baby feel better or seek medical intervention.  

As a Certified Sleep Sense Consultant here at Lullabub Sleepers, I’ll also speak a little into when it is possible to sleep train despite reflux, versus when it's better to wait till reflux has calmed down before considering sleep training.

What is Baby Reflux?

Baby reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux (GER), happens when milk flows back from baby’s stomach into their oesophagus. It’s very common in newborns because their digestive systems are still developing.  

In the case of a ‘happy spitter’ who doesn’t seem too affected by an episode of reflux, the usual interventions described below should help alleviate further spit-ups. 

However, in more severe cases, when gastric juices might accompany the milk backflow into the oesophagus, your baby will likely cry a lot from the discomfort. In such cases, it would be advisable to seek your doctor’s advice on whether medication is needed to make your baby more comfortable, or to rule out food intolerances and allergies. 

Signs of Baby Reflux 

Some signs your baby might suffer reflux include your baby: 

  • Refusing to feed entirely or only feeding in short bursts 

  • Coughing or hiccupping often during feeding sessions 

  • Frequently spitting up, or vomiting (this might be accompanied by your baby crying) 

  • Having difficulty lying flat on his back without crying because of discomfort’ 

  • Arching his back, during or after feeds 

  • Crying or being fussy especially after eating 

As can be seen, the symptoms are reflux are easy enough to recognize. What’s harder to determine is where your baby lies on the spectrum of reflux (whether mild, moderate or severe) and the degree of intervention required. 

As a general rule of thumb, if your baby shows one or two of these signs but is still gaining weight and is generally happy when the symptoms show up, the reflux is probably likely mild. 


When Should You Worry?

Most cases of baby reflux resolve on their own by the 6th month. However, definitely speak to your pediatrician if your baby: 

  • Struggles to gain weight 

  • Refuses to eat 

  • Cries excessively during feeds 

  • Spits up blood or green fluid 

  • Shows signs of dehydration 

How to Help Your Reflux Baby Feel Better

By taking the following steps, regardless of whether your baby’s reflux is mild, moderate or severe, you can help mitigate reflux from getting worse. 

1. Feed in an Upright Position 

Hold your baby upright during and after feeds for at least 10-20 minutes to help gravity keep the milk down. This simple trick can significantly ease reflux symptoms. 

2. Smaller, More Frequent Feeds 

Feeding smaller amounts more frequently helps prevent your baby’s stomach from becoming too full, which can reduce reflux episodes.  

Also try not to feed too close to your baby’s sleeping time as this is when they’re often placed for prolonged periods on their backs. 

3. Burp Your Baby Often 

Burp your baby after every feed — even halfway through a feed — to release trapped air. Trapped air can travel upwards, which can cause the milk to backflow. 

4. Place your baby in a bouncer  

Instead of placing your baby on a flat surface, placing him on a tilted surface like a bouncer can prevent digestive juices from backflowing upwards. 

5. Avoid Overstimulation Before Bedtime 

A calm, gentle bedtime routine can help your baby relax before sleep. Overstimulation can worsen reflux symptoms and make it harder for babies to settle down. 

When to Sleep Train a Baby with Reflux?

For mild to moderate cases of reflux, sleep training is still possible. In addition to implementing the practices above, I also guide parents through the process of: 

✅ Following a Consistent Bedtime Routine 

A predictable routine helps your baby feel safe and secure — even when reflux makes sleep difficult. 

✅ Using Gradual Sleep Training Methods 

Methods that are more gradual in their approach are perfect for reflux babies because they allow parents to provide comfort without relying on rocking or feeding to sleep. 

✅ Being Patient 

Reflux episodes can slow down your baby’s sleep progress, but consistency will help your baby learn how to self-soothe once they feel better. 

However, in more severe cases of reflux, my advice is to prioritize getting your baby comfortable first-- by getting to the root cause of the reflux problem, whether it be diet-related, medical (floppy larynx, hernia)etc., by seeking the right treatment (e.g. medications, or holistic practices like oestopathy)-- before starting your sleep training journey. 

Baby Reflux & Sleep Training a Baby – Can They Go Together?

Absolutely! While reflux might cause a few setbacks, it doesn’t mean you have to put sleep training on hold entirely. With the right support, your baby can still learn how to sleep independently — even if they need extra comfort during this time.


At Lullabub Sleepers, I offer personalized sleep support to help families in Singapore overcome sleep challenges with sustainable science-backed methods. Whether you're dealing with reflux, night wakings, or nap struggles, my services can guide you toward better sleep for the whole family. 

Learn more about our one-on-one sleep training services here.  

Final Thoughts: You've Got This, Mama!

Baby reflux can feel like one of the toughest challenges in your parenting journey but remember — it’s only temporary. With a little patience, the right strategies, and consistent routines, your baby will feel better and sleep better too. 

If you need extra guidance with sleep training a baby in Singapore, I'm here to help. Together, we can create a personalized sleep plan that works for your baby’s unique needs — reflux and all. 


How can I help my baby with reflux? 

You can help your baby with reflux by feeding them in an upright position, offering smaller, more frequent feeds, and burping them often during and after feeds. Keeping your baby upright for 10-20 minutes after feeding and creating a calm sleep environment can also ease their discomfort.

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