Named one of Singapore's
Best Baby Sleep Trainers
Don't understand why your baby just won't fall asleep? Having a hard time dealing with night wakings? Tired of all the crying and the sleepless nights? Advice from family and friends not working out?
We save families’ sleep by offering pediatric consultations and sleep training programs for infants, preschoolers and kids up to the age of 5.
Debra Lam
Certified Sleep Sense Consultant
Dunstan Baby Language Educator
Hi, I’m Debra and I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed and at the end of your tether with sleep deprivation.
I’m a mother of 3 daughters. Like you, I had aspirations to give my firstborn the best of what I had to offer. But my hourly attendance by her cot meant that, come morning, I simply could not function as the mother I wanted to be.
As a former lawyer, I read extensively for a solution. Yet I struggled to decode which method was the right fit, and to find which voice in the sleep training community spoke with greatest authority. After numerous failed attempts to D-I-Y, I felt trapped and alone.
The game changer came when my husband and I engaged in a pediatric consultation with a Sleep Sense baby sleep consultant. She educated us on our little one's sleep needs, and took the guesswork out of figuring out what worked and didn't work. She was able to suggest a method of sleep training for kids that was a right fit. The results were astonishing. Over a couple of days our child was sleeping through the night and napping like a champ. Our lives were changed, and my well-rested, contented child could now enjoy her connected and energetic mama.
With the knowledge I’d acquired, I later successfully applied the sleep training techniques I’d acquired to my twin daughters on my own. From a young age, they’ve slept beautifully and independently in their own beds.
Since then, I’ve trained personally with the founder of Sleep Sense, Dana Obleman, and I am a part of a world-wide network of Sleep Sense consultants well-versed in related fields such as lactation, child nutrition, child behaviour, etc. My experience has shown me there is no substitute for personalized guidance from a trained sleep expert. After all, each child has a unique personality and each parent a personal parenting approach.
As your baby sleep trainer, I will marry these considerations (and more) to provide you with proven techniques to have your child sleeping right. You can trust that I will support and guide you and your little one through the process with a compassionate hand, and provide you with an improved rhythm to your night and day routines.

Why choose us?
Because of what we stand for as a company...

We act and advise with purpose and careful consideration.

We care and believe in the power of connection between human beings.

We help others achieve what they can't on their own.

We custom-fit solutions based on your preferences and needs.
When's the best time to sleep train?The short answer is there's no 'optimum' time to sleep train. Your baby will constantly go through developmental milestones and growth spurts you just cannot anticipate, and our sleep consultants have the needed experience to guide you through these changes. Chances are your baby is ready for sleep training once feeding is established, weight gain is good, and you're starting to see signs of / already see self soothing behaviour.
What's your approach like in the Infant programs?In our practice, with babies in the fourth trimester (or close to it) we focus on achieving independent sleep at the ends of the day (first nap and bedtime). We find this is gentler on their systems and crying durations are minimized. It also gives parents the opportunity to rescue naps, to mitigate overtiredness and sleep deprivation. Once first nap and bedtime goes well, we then progress to independent sleep in other naps, which is why our Infant Programs stretch over a longer period of time (4-6 weeks vs. 3 weeks). At this age group, we also do not insist on total removal of night feeds, unless this is a priority for parents.
My baby has colic/reflux, can we still sleep train?This depends on the acuteness of the problem. Our advice is to pop on a call with our trusty sleep consultant to speak in depth about the situation you're facing. But generally speaking, in the case of "happy spitters" (or babies who aren't too affected by their spit-up), sleep training should not be an issue.
Does your practice use the 'cry-it-out' approach?Its important here to be specific with terminology. We don't partake in the full extinction method, where the door is shut on baby from bedtime till morning time. There is no nuance in this approach and the assistance of a sleep consultant is not required. All of our strategies involve some level of parental intervention, taking into account the baby's age group, parental levels of comfort and what works best for the baby's temperament. Our sleep consultants will advise on when and how to make a well-timed check-in and we find this to be crucial to the sleep training process. However, none of our strategies are 'no-cry' in nature. Your baby will protest given the change, but not without your moral support and comforting.
Can we room-share when we sleep train?Yes! Singapore homes can be on the smaller end, so we expect that space will be tight. Provided your baby has his/her own cot and sleeps in it, it is possible to sleep train whilst sharing a room your baby. Your sleep consultant will be able to advise you on steps to take to minimize disruptions to your baby's sleep.
My baby has multiple caregivers in the day / attends childcare. Can I still sleep train?Absolutely! We still advocate a parent taking the reins the first couple of days (better still, the first week) of sleep training. But thereafter, other caregivers may step in to 'execute'. What's key to success is parents communicating well with their village on their expectations. That way there can be consistency across the changing of hands, and less confusion for your baby.
Do you provide in-home support?Yes! Our signature package includes 3h of 'in-home' support on the first night you put your baby to sleep. You may also opt to add additional nights of 'in-home' support for an additional fee. See our Services page for more details.
What if my baby falls sick just before, or during the process of sleep training. What happens?If sickness hits just before, you can get in touch with our sleep consultant to discuss whether a postponement of the program is necessary. When you are postponed to is subject to the sleep consultants' calendar availability. If sickness hits during the program, you'll need to speak with your sleep consultant on your baby's condition to determine whether sleep training can proceed or should be suspended.
I'm planning some travel soon, will that affect my start date for sleep training?If you intend to travel with your baby, then yes. Typically, we recommend up to 4 weeks of 'settling-down' post program. Travel can cause unnecessary disruption to your baby's sleep skills solidifying. If travel is upcoming, then we usually recommend waiting until after travel to sleep train. This will give your baby's independent sleep skills more longevity.
Will my baby's sleep skills be affected by regressions and developmental milestones?Your baby's sleep skills should withstand sleep regressions and developmental milestones, but some degree of maintenance is required. This why we tell parents that sleep training is a journey and not a one-time event. During milestones/regressions, a night waking or short nap might occur (which typically wouldn't). When this arises, parents will need to stick to the status quo of checking in on your baby as advised by your sleep consultant, instead of allowing other bad habits (rocking, patting, lying down with them) to creep in. In the worse case scenario of these parent-reinforced dependencies becoming your baby's preference, when then remember that sleep skills are like riding a bike- you never quite forget the skill. You can reactivate independent sleep by going back to the sleep plan you were originally provided and doing a little reboot. In this regard, you can also reach out to your sleep consultant for some additional assistance.